At 0716hrs a dispatch was received for Smoke in the structure at BRM on Eisenhower Blvd (a 2 story, document storage and document management warehouse). 3 Chief, Truck 3-1 and Engine 3-1 responded with a total of 9; Engine 3-3 responded with 1. Truck 3-1 arrived and setup on the address while crews went interior to investigate. sportfogadás újság megjelenése Engine 3-1 layed in from the hydrant to the truck. sportfogadás tippek Crews encountered an odor in the warehouse area and found moderate smoke conditions as well. Crews traced the smoke to a burned up motor on a compressor unit inside of the sprinkler / mechanical room. Engine 3-3 was cancelled by 3 chief prior to arriving on scene. It was determined that ventilation would not be effective due to the large square footage and openness of the warehouse and the mechanical room having no exterior vents. Management decided to allow the smoke to clear naturally rather than fill the warehouse with smoke. gaminator frissítés Crews were released at 0731hrs.