Fire Prevention
The RTFD’s Fire Prevention/Community Risk Reduction program focuses on a combination of education, training, and inspection aspects to keep our community safe.
Career and Volunteer Firefighters often visit schools, day cares, businesses and organizations that express an interest in learning about fire safety. Firefighters also conduct fire/evacuation drills, check and install smoke/CO detectors, and conduct general fire safety inspections. Annually, RTFD firefighters reach over 4000 people with our fire safety messages.
Our Fire Safety program is approximately 30 to 45 minutes in length and is tailored specifically to the audience. From fire truck visits with schools, staff training classes with businesses, and adult education classes with seniors, RTFD firefighters have a fire safety message for all ages. Fire extinguisher classes are also available which feature a live, on-site practice session. Home fire safety consultations, smoke/CO detector checks and installations, and group presentations feature advice from our on-duty experts. Fire inspections and walk-throughs of businesses provide a fire safe work environment for employees.
For more information regarding scheduling one of the following services, please call 814-266-4331 x316
- Fire Truck Visits
- Fire Safety Staff Training
- Fire Extinguisher Training
- Business Fire Safety Inspection
- Witnessed Fire/Evacuation Drills
- Home Fire Safety Consultations
- Smoke/CO Detector Checks
- Adult Fire Safety Presentations